President Fluff

President FluffSecret Identity:  Edward Thomas Fluff

Occupation:  President of Earth II; Ruler of the Toro Galaxy

Former Occupations:  Test pilot in Earth’s military.

Age:  Unknown

Place of Birth:  Earth, but claims Earth II.

Powers:  None.

Weaknesses:  Not applicable

Personality Traits:  Ambitious, Manipulative

Known Relatives:  Confidant – Pow-Er

Minions:  Earth II Troopers, Presidential Guards

Arch-Enemies:  Domingo Denado, Slick Porsha, Power Source

Group Affiliations:  Earth II

Background Story:

While test piloting a new supersonic jet, an accident transports Edward Thomas Fluff to a crash landing on Earth II.  Pow-Er, finding the craft, initiates the subsequent belief that Fluff is a gift from the heavens because no mortal could survive such a crash.  The inhabitants of Earth II, taking the bait, appoint Fluff  “President for Life.”  Fluff, in turn, appoints Pow-Er his Vice-President and vows to get revenge on his home planet for attempting to send him to his death.

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